Who's that Gronk in the pictures

It's Waxa

Check it out

The Stringerless Pig

Stringerless logs (9'+) for myself and i'm assuming other shapers, have often fallen into the 'too hard' basket.

That being said, they do offer a unique aesthetic and the extremely dense tow blank foam that lends itself well to logs shifting the weight from the outer shell to the core giving further momentum to maintain trim in small and weak surf.

Thus far stringerless logs have been limited to my Pig shape.
They excel in 1 - 3ft surf with a narrowed nose and widened tail which results in an easy paddle, pivot off the tail and still holds its own on the nose.

In the quiver for summer.

Comes in 9' - 9'6

- 9'6 x 17 1/4 x 22 7/8 x 17 1/4 x 3 1/4 -

- Hand Shaped -

-Tow blank foam -

- Double Volan 6oz Bottom + Deck -

-Hand foiled flex fin -


My photo
Bondi Beach, NSW, Australia









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