Thomas Brown Photography

Dave Norman
Sarah Glover

9'10 Noserider with Glass-on Pivot


9'6 Model Po's

Red $950
Purple $900

Give me a call or email if your keen

Who's that Gronk in the pictures

It's Waxa

Check it out

The Stringerless Pig

Stringerless logs (9'+) for myself and i'm assuming other shapers, have often fallen into the 'too hard' basket.

That being said, they do offer a unique aesthetic and the extremely dense tow blank foam that lends itself well to logs shifting the weight from the outer shell to the core giving further momentum to maintain trim in small and weak surf.

Thus far stringerless logs have been limited to my Pig shape.
They excel in 1 - 3ft surf with a narrowed nose and widened tail which results in an easy paddle, pivot off the tail and still holds its own on the nose.

In the quiver for summer.

Comes in 9' - 9'6

- 9'6 x 17 1/4 x 22 7/8 x 17 1/4 x 3 1/4 -

- Hand Shaped -

-Tow blank foam -

- Double Volan 6oz Bottom + Deck -

-Hand foiled flex fin -

9'4 x 17 3/4 x 22 7/8 x 16 x 3

For the Gents who want to pick up waves easy and lean into smooth turns off the tail.

Thin foiled 50/50 rails - Wide point aft - Gentle nose concave - Rolled vee



6'1 - 19 1/4 - 2 3/8


Hot Coat
Huge Cutlaps

- 9'6 x 17 3/4 x 22 7/8 x 17 1/4 x 3 -
'Stringerless Pig'
Olive Resin Panels

- 6'2 x 19 1/4 x 2 3/8 -

Mr. Bondi

GS riding his 9'5 'Model Po'


Riding his 9'5 J.Double


Riding my 9'6 Semi-Po

Photos AtDusk


On a 9'4 Model Po

and some guy floating around on the inside.

Freddy on his 9'10 NoseRider

Doing what the name suggests


'Semi-Po' 4 CP

--  9'7 x 18 x 23 1/4 x 16 3/4 x 3 --

I've been riding this model for the past 4 months and have put up

on the website as the latest addition to the models on offer.

Check it out

Although no longer in vogue since the resurgence of the mini-simmons, the fish

 stills holds its own with a nice combination of curves and its 

ability to tear down a high line at your local

- 5'10 x 17 3/4 x 21 x 16 1/2 x 2 1/2 -

---------Twin Keel---------
Single > Spiral Vee
- Fish - 

---- J.Double ----

------ 9'5 x 17 1/2 x 23 x 16 x 3 ------

The JD is quickly becoming the all rounder log for the boys at the longboard club. We have decided to offer these up with an area pin to more control on slightly bigger days and riding backhand in general.

The concave has been blended to give lift in the nose and to encourage waterflow through the board. This is a good starting point for anyone looking to get a bit more

movement off the back foot 
Photo: Knackstudios

Second Hander For Sale
9'6 Model Po
Mexican not included

GG pulling a Karate Kid on his JD

A couple of fresh ones on the way

JD Model w/ Area Pintail

Cast your mind back 8 weeks ago when a storm hit Sydney hard and most of all hit my shaping bay hard causing damage beyond repair. So with a 'can do' attitude mainly on my part, me and my old man spent a couple of days each week putting it back together piece by piece.

So now with the bay looking better than ever, i am back in action shaping up winter quivers for all the Waxa diehards.


My photo
Bondi Beach, NSW, Australia







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