9'6 Noserider for TB
5'0 Chip for ME

6'7 Hull

Due to my circumstances and a much needed change, i will be limiting the amount of boards i do from the beginning of 2013. This will enable me to maintain the boards being made by myself completely in house, using the highest quality materials and delivering a better custom service with each waxa custom order.

So while I'm on a roll
Give me a call and order your summer log

I have space for three two one more customs this year!

pic: uge @ aquabumps

9'5 Waxa Noserider

Lining it up

8'0 x 22 x 2 7/8


Photo: J Bevan

Proto Performance Log
9'2 x 17 1/4 x 22 1/2 x 15 3/4 x 3
never tell where

In the bay

Your looking at:
9'4 Nose Rider (4 D.J.)
6'6 Diamond Tail Hull (Up for sale)
5'8 2+1 (4 Wax)
Black CHIP
Diamond Swallow Tail

8'0 Second Ramp
No good waves for 4 weeks
Paddle fitness is a distant memory

Time to get out the Wave Maker 3000
Pic: Thomas Brown
Log: Waxa
Yer Eric

He was coughing up blood and had welts on his back after this backflip gone wrong from 10m

Straight to Hospital

6'0 x 16 x 20 3/4 x 16 x 2 7/8
Simon's Dad
 A couple of waves out the front of our new secret spot
 Get a hair cut
 No, thats not the spot you think it is
 You can't help but love patient girlfriends
 Chris's Log
My Log
Pics from chris from atdusk.com.au

Wiz has been making fins for me from day one, making up all the
templates i through his way. 

A couple of shots from around the factory

Bondi Longboard Club
3rd Sunday of each month

2nd Ramp
6'10 Diamond Tail Hull
9'6 Stringerless Pig
9'6 Model Po

9'4 'Model Po' for Ben and his old man to share.

Making some progress 

Really liking this one i made for JD. Made for those guys that spend most of their time surfing the back but like to get up the front from time to time. 

Apple Red 
Wide Cutlaps.
Looking Like a Model

5'0 Chip for me
Our annual garage sale

Ali Fleming is a rare Bondi local...i am also a rare Bondi local....we met for coffee last week and this is what came of it.


My photo
Bondi Beach, NSW, Australia







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