New summer beach break model on its way
This is what happens when the surf's big
and your mum won't let you paddle out

5'2 simmons twin keel
A photo to put things in comparison

Summer models coming together
5'2 "Simmons"
9'6 "52"

Chris's 9'6 Nose Rider with resin tint cirle

The 52' Pig

More details on the shape to come

9'6 x 16 1/2 x 22 3/4 x 17 x 3 1/8
2 1/2" Balsa Stringer

I am making two 52's with the balsa stringers for now
one is still up for grabs

Laying down some resin tint circles for chris's log
The twins
Im making two early 1950's style pigs with some modern rocker and rails
They will be identical 9'6 pigs.
ill be hand shaping, glassing, laying up fins, foiling, polishing. the lot.
ill try and document these two as much as i can

At least one will be for sale, email for enquiries
10.5" Pivot Fin

I foiled a bit more flex into this one and gave it a bit more rake for turning.
Looks perfect for my new beach break log model for summer
Not much to look at, but this is the first step of for me making my
own glass on fins( not doing boxes).
I'll still be getting wiz fins but will be making some of fins in my own colours.

Stock Log
9'4 x 17 3/4 x 23 x 16 x 3
Glassing her in red

Email me if your curious


My photo
Bondi Beach, NSW, Australia







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