Custom 5'9 Fire truck Quad
This is a new modern style pig i'm working on
Made for the low tide peelers at Bondi
9'7 x 17 1/4 x 23 x 16 1/4 x 3
Stay tuned....More pics to come
Chris scored somewhere between North Bondi and Queensland
for the Easter break
I went south and got windy flat nothing swell
im very jealous
a beautiful place from Matt&siobhan on Vimeo.
I'd tell you were this place is, but then matty would
never tell me about any new spots... ever again.
Check out his blog
6'6 Semi-Gun
6'0 x 19 1/4 x 2 3/8
Can't wait to try this one out
Single concave throughout with double from half way up
6" square tail
Slightly wider than a standard short board nose to get
through the Bondi slop
Making 3 finners for 600
and quads for 650
w/clear glass and futures
6'6 Semi gun
comes in 10" - 10.5"
Wide base drive and flex on the tip
Part of my ever growing winter quiver
6'0 Square Tail 3 FIn
5'10 x 19 3/4 x 2 3/8
I made myself this little 3 fin last week
and has turned out to be a super fun board
Im Making them for 600 with a set of future fins
or 650 with some glass ons
Sarah on her waxa log
photo from Uge at aquabumps
Im selling one of my favourite logs
9'6 x 18 x 23 x 16 x 3