South coast point
Colin's cut back hack on his
kung fu fish

WAXA surfboards from slc on Vimeo.

Quiver 4 Sale

Im off loading my quiver to make room for the new.
All boards are in fairly good condition
email me for more pics and details

L to R
6'0 single fin - SOLD
5'11 Quad w/ stretch quad fins - 400
5'11 Twin - 250
5'6 fish - 450
8'0 single fin - SOLD

all boards come with fins
Po came to the factory and made this quad fish
Sizing up Yazi at Noosa

pic from em
Surfing the hull at the pass last week
So its a bit late
but the flyer has my board on it
so its going up anyways
Chris on his bondi beach break log

New to logging but still killing it

This guy also owns Finbox the raddest surfshop in the south coast

Shop 1/269 Lawrence Hargrave Drive Thirroul

lots a resin fumes and abstract makes perfect sense.
this is one wax had laying around, drop him a line if you want it,
it's polished brand-new, and getting used.


Noosa Quiver

1. 9'7 x 18 1/2 x 23 1/4 x 17 x 3 Nose Rider
2.5'6 x 20 1/4 x 2 1/2 Twin Keel
3. 5'9 x 20 1/4 x 2 3/8 Quad fish
4. 5'11 x 19 1/2 x 2 1/4 Rounded pin quad
5. 7'6 Hull
6. 8'0 Single fin


My photo
Bondi Beach, NSW, Australia







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