New Decal


It felt like time for a bit of a change
so here it is. The new decal will be put on
my new range of boards for Bondi summer swell
Which includes thrusters, quads and a new Bondi log model



Here is a picture of a pixie fin i got made up.
It will soon be glassed on a D fin Pig model.
The model will be based on a couple of 1950's pigs
i have come across but with some modern rocker and foiling
and bit of that waxa touch. Also i talked to a guru midget
farrelly about pig design, who is also updating his quiver with a modern pig.

Keep Posted

Pinky toe

...and this little piggy fishy ripped the shit out of the waves

$1.5 mil an hour

hullish radness, but 'don't get sentimental, it's only a rental'

Making room

Making room for a new log
Still in good condition
only one dent on the bottom caused by po's head

You snooze you lose

and now for something completely different...

one listen and it's stuck in your head for a full session.

(also, this video proves that the ukulele is indisputably the greatest instrument of all time)

tunnel vision

super rad angle. photographer slotted on a crisp one. oh yeah and a waxa board is sliding by, but thats no biggy they're on every wave out there anyway.
(sick shot by Brad Malon at Frothers)


My photo
Bondi Beach, NSW, Australia









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